Number 92-27
Description set up a system to appropriate student service fee funds to campus groups
Authored by Chris Durham
Sponsored by Danny George
Date Submitted Tuesday, April 21, 1992
Date Considered Tuesday, October 27, 1992
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Student Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks FAILED - "Our priority should be to maintain quality in our existing programs that are funded by student service fees." - Memo to University President Amacher from VP for Student Affairs Dr. Wayne Duke, dated November 18, 1992.
Whereas Many student organizations struggle to provide services to its members and the students in general while operating with small budgets; and
Whereas Many Universities allow student organizations to receive money from Student Service Fees; and
Whereas The current Student Service Fee allocation process is not designed to handle funding student organizations; and
Whereas Student legislatures generally appropriate such funding to organizations.
Be It Further Resolved That Student Congress hereby expresses interest in having SSFAC appropriate Student Service Fees to registered student organizations; and
Be It Further Resolved That Student Congress recommends an initial fund of one percent of available student services fees (approximately $10,000) be appropriated for this purpose; and
Be It Further Resolved That Upon approval of this resolution by the Administration, SSFAC shall hereby enact measures necessary and proper to set up a system to appropriate student service fee funds to campus groups.