Resolution 12-10: VIDEODROME

Number 12-10
Description Students be given greater involvement in the programming of the UT Arlington channel, so that it may one day serve as a tool to unite and entertain the on-campus student community.
Authored by Brian Ravkind
Sponsored by Jocelyn Cornelio
Jacob Becker
Date Submitted Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Committee Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks Congress passed this resolution intending that systems be developed to showcase more university activities in an efort to expand UTA's "presence" in the community.
Whereas The UT Arlington television channel is currently used to broadcast Student Congress meetings and UT Arlington news; and
Whereas The rest of this channel is occupied primarily by text based announcements and "dead air"; and
Whereas This channel could be better utilized as a type of public access channel available to UT Arlington students as a means to broadcast shows of their own creation provided standard FCC regulations are followed; and
Whereas More campus events, such as athletic events, could be televised through this channel and, in the future, possibly even moderated debates for SGO at-large election candidates could be broadcasted; and
Whereas Increased student involvement would lead to an increase in viewership, which could be capitalized on in the future to aid in developing a greater student community.
Be It Further Resolved That Students be given greater involvement in the programming of the UT Arlington channel, so that it may one day serve as a tool to unite and entertain the on-campus student community.