Resolution 09-28: LACKING RESOURCES

Number 09-28
Description These computer labs are equipped with the necessary supplies to aid in student studies while on campus
Authored by Michelle Farrell
Sponsored by Natalia Vargas
Date Submitted Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Committee Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks The computer labs re-stock necessary supplies and resources as money allows.
Whereas A majority of majors provide computer labs for their students; and
Whereas Students will use these facilities to print off class-related notes a lot of the time; and
Whereas Some of these labs are not equipped with the basic supplies (e.g., hole punch, stapler, etc.) for student use; and
Whereas Those labs who do provide these supplies often use broken or worn supplies.
Be It Further Resolved That These computer labs are equipped with the necessary supplies to aid in student studies while on campus.