Number 15-02
Description Architecture students feel that there is not enough available lab space for them to use up-to-date software to work on their projects.
Authored by Kunle Oni
Sponsored by Braison Boykin
Date Submitted Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Academic Affairs
Result n/a
Whereas The third floor computer labs in the architecture building currently hold several classes throughout the day; and
Whereas The prior function of the third floor computer labs served as the only location where students could access necessary software for architecture course projects; and
Whereas With the scheduled classes, the resulting availability of the third floor computer labs either conflict with students daytime availability , or prevent usage until late evening hours; and
Whereas The alternative lab option (the first floor computer lab) does not have sufficient programs, nor as many computers as the third floor computer labs thus debilitating students in the development of their work; and
Whereas Today's architecture students rely on access to a variety of cost-prohibitive programs, the lack therefor results in heavy piracy, and the university's role is in providing tools for students success arises; and
Whereas The new printers in the third floor computer labs are fast and efficient for many students who need them for presentations, but inaccessible due to class occupancies,
Be It Further Resolved That A computer lab, dedicated to the free use of architecture students, is provided with up-to-date software and a sufficient amount of computers, or the school maintaining a minimum of one of the third floor computer labs open at any given period during the day.