Resolution 16-30: HOUSE IT GOING?

Number 16-30
Description Update students on housing wait-list appropriately by telling them their wait-list number
Authored by Himanshu Rapur
Sponsored by Nawal Joulani
Meaghan Harraghy
Date Submitted Sunday, September 18, 2016
Date Considered Saturday, April 18, 0201
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Student Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks Awaiting comments from President Karbhari.
Whereas UTA’s population is growing year by year and more students are choosing to live on campus due to convenience and to gain the full college experience; and
Whereas Due to limited rooms and apartments available on campus, a lot of the students apply for housing and are put on the wait-list for the fall semester; and
Whereas As classes begin, students often take up accommodation off campus and yet still remain on the wait-list with the hope of finding a room on campus; and
Whereas This leads to an inflation of students on UTA housing’s waitlist; and
Whereas Students also do not have an incentive for taking their name off the wait-list when they find housing somewhere else, leaving the wait-list continuously inflated and students are unable to get housing; and
Whereas Students who are waitlisted are able to contact the housing department inquiring their position on the list, however, due the inflated wait-list, the list is dynamic as other students may have already found housing elsewhere and have not withdrawn their application. Therefore, the housing department is unable to give a clear answer as to whether students on the wait-list will find housing or not until move in day.
Be It Further Resolved That The UTA housing department begin charging students half of the housing deposit ($75) at the time of application and then when they are offered a room, they pay the remaining $75. Additionally, students who have found housing elsewhere or would like to withdraw their application would be refunded their $75 deposit, giving them an incentive to remove themselves from the wait-list, which will decrease the number of students on the wait-list; and
Be It Further Resolved That UTA housing department be more transparent when students ask their wait-list position and let them know if they will likely receive housing or not.