Resolution 04-04: WHOOP UP A SPONSOR

Number 04-04
Description Sponsorship for Program Assistance Fund
Authored by James Urban
Rasha Ramadan
Sponsored by Cody Lewis
Denis Gjoni
Kat Miller
Justin Chavira
Zach Walker
Date Submitted Friday, March 5, 2004
Date Considered Monday, April 19, 2004
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Academic Affairs
Result Killed By Committee
Remarks FAILED - This just adds to an already-lengthy process.
Whereas Student Congress helps to fund organizations across campus; and
Whereas These organizations have general ideas that they want the money to be allocated for; and
Whereas Resolutions are generally ideas and must have a sponsor; and
Whereas There is a limited involvement and interaction between student organizations and Student Congress; and
Whereas Involving these organizations in Student Congress could increase the awareness of Congress and its activities.
Be It Further Resolved That In order for an organization to go before the Rules and Appropriations Committee (RAT) for funding, the organization must have a sponsor who is serving on Congress at the time; and
Be It Further Resolved That That sponsor must co-sign the appropriate form upon filing for a hearing.
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