Resolution 02-28: DISTANCE ED COURSES

Number 02-28
Description distance ed courses also offered on camopus
Authored by Robert Blick
Sponsored by Josh Warren
Date Submitted Monday, December 2, 2002
Date Considered Tuesday, February 4, 2003
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Academic Affairs
Result Killed By Committee
Remarks FAILED - All classes in Distance Ed are in a "class environment"
Whereas Several schools and colleges, including engineering, are offering some courses exclusively in a distance-ed format, without the option to take them in a traditional classroom setting; and
Whereas Some of the courses being offered exclusively in a distance-ed format are courses that are required to be taken as part of students' degrees; and
Whereas Students registering for distance-ed courses are required to pay an additional fee of at least $200; and
Whereas Distance-ed courses possess a number of significant shortcomings, compared with their traditional classroom counterparts, including: a lack of intimacy and faculty-student interaction, an inability to realize the benefits of group learning, and an absence of a depth of learning beyond simple textbook reading; and
Whereas Other top schools recognize the importance of classroom-based education and offer all courses via this medium; and
Whereas Many students have adamantly expressed their concerns about distance-ed courses and the relatively poor education they offer, compared with traditional classroom courses.
Be It Further Resolved That For every course offered in a distance-ed format, there shall exist at least one section offered on campus in a traditional classroom setting.