Resolution 01-01: CHECK PLEASE!

Number 01-01
Description Bursars' direct deposit
Authored by Brandy Cox
Sponsored by Sharon Smith
Date Submitted Tuesday, January 9, 2001
Date Considered Tuesday, April 17, 2001
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Student Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks IMPLEMENTED - Amended that UTA increase student awareness of the following fund disbursement option: the school can direct deposit money to a student banking account if the Bursars office has the account information.
Whereas Many Students change addresses often; and
Whereas Many students rely on the promptness of financial aid disbursements; and
Whereas The current system mandates that a mail-only system of check disbursement be utilized.
Be It Further Resolved That That UTA offer the following options for fund disbursement: direct deposit, personal pick-up at Bursars Office and the current mailing method.