Number 94-29
Description All sutdent lots will be officially named either for historical significance (ie: the South 40) or for a prominent alumni
Authored by Eric Nichols
Sponsored by TJ Barber
Tammy Bell
Mervyn Lim
Date Submitted Tuesday, October 11, 1994
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Academic Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks FAILED - Centennial Committee expressed reservations about this proposal in a memo from University Interim President Witt on June 14, 1995.
Whereas Few, if any, students are able to identify a parking lot by its number; and
Whereas The University of Texas at Arlington should take every opportunity to improve its relationship with prominent alumni.
Be It Further Resolved That All of the parking lots shall be named for improved identification; and
Be It Further Resolved That All sutdent lots will be officially named either for historical significance (ie: the South 40) or for a prominent alumni; and
Be It Further Resolved That No parking lot will be named after any universtiy building, street, or park; and
Be It Further Resolved That The selection of names for these lots will be the honor of the Centennial Committee; and
Be It Further Resolved That The unveiling of the new lot names will be another piece of the Centennial celebration.