Number 07-29
Description Provide a quiet study computer lab on the second floor 24 hours a day
Authored by Amy Ward
Bess Alvarez
Sponsored by Megan Swain
Date Submitted Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Student Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks Can be utilize if a staff is asked.
Whereas UTA does not offer a 24 hour quiet study computer lab.
Whereas Often times there are at least two or more students talking on their cell phones, listening to music on blaring headphones, and/or talking very loudly.
Whereas Many students use the computers in Ransom Hall for completing assignments with software that is not available 24 hours a day in other labs on campus and find it hard to concentrate with the noisy environment in Ransom Hall.
Be It Further Resolved That Ransom Hall provides a quiet study computer lab on the second floor with a quiet environment for students 24 hours a day who are trying to concentrate.
Be It Further Resolved That This quiet area is enforced by not allowing talking on cell phones, voice instant messaging, blaring headphones, or loud talking.
Be It Further Resolved That Ransom Hall have signs posted stating the location and policies enforced in the quite study lab.