Resolution 03-02: A 'D-AIDE-ABASE' FOR UTA

Number 03-02
Description two databases be established, one for those who need help and the other for those willing to help
Authored by Luke Jensen
Sponsored by Kim Hudson
Date Submitted Wednesday, January 15, 2003
Date Considered Tuesday, March 11, 2003
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Committee Affairs
Result Killed By Committee
Remarks FAILED - This would not work because of legal reasons.
Whereas The University has a sizeable and prominent population of students with disabilities; and
Whereas Many of these students require assistance with day-to-day activities such as getting dressed or bathing; and
Whereas These students often must employ people to assist them with such tasks; and
Whereas Locating potential employees is often difficult, yet is undeniably necessary for these people to reach their full potential as students and as individuals.
Be It Further Resolved That The University should seek to establish and maintain two databases with Student Employment Services and/or the Office for Student With Disabilities. One database would contain the names of those students requiring assistance who choose to be listed in it, as well as appropriate contact information. The other would contain the names of, and contact information for, students who might be willing to provide one or more students with needed assistance. The student requiring assistance and the potential assistant would then have the means to contact one another and discuss the particulars of possible employment, including referral to an appropriate off-campus agency which could oversee and supervise employer and employee and handle payment of the hired student(s) for services provided.