Number 91-07
Description Question the vetoeing of condom vending machines on campus
Authored by Mike Meagher
Sponsored by Richie Grona
Date Submitted Tuesday, March 12, 1991
Date Considered Tuesday, March 12, 1991
Committee Student Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks FAILED - University President Nedderman said in a memo dated May 9, 1991, that he "cannot approve this resolution" because it would be "very damaging in the eyes of our community supporters."
Whereas Resolution 90-16, concerning condom machine facilities on campus, was passed last semester by a sizeable amount of votes; and
Whereas President Nedderman in turn vetoed such action without sufficient provocation without sensitivity to students' wants or needs;
Be It Further Resolved That At the next student elections, a referendum shall be placed on the ballots and to obtain student opinions relating to Resolution 90-16; and
Be It Further Resolved That The following question comprise the referendum: 1. Would you support the installation of Condom machines in restrooms of both non-academic buildings and dormitories if there was no cost to you or the university?