Number 11-11
Description A shelter be placed in the open space at the current School of Social Work shuttle stop to enhance the shuttle system and create a more comfortable commuting experience, which can increase ridership.
Authored by Kwinetta Simien
Sponsored by Sarah Whittaker
Date Chin
Maggie Garza
Date Submitted Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Committee Affairs
Result n/a
Whereas Parking at the School of Social Work is limited and parking-lot-stalking is at an elevated high; and
Whereas Social Work students are parking in alternate lots across campus, including the stadium, and traveling to the School of Social Work by foot, carpool, or shuttle; and
Whereas Given the unique climate of Arlington, Texas, when the elements are active, there is no shelter at the shuttle stop protecting students, faculty, staff, or visitors using the shuttle from the wind, rain, snow, or sun; and
Whereas Said students, faculty, staff, and visitors tend to avoid using the shuttle in order to refrain from overexposure; and
Whereas Those who utilize the shuttle services should be protected from these elements.
Be It Further Resolved That A shelter be placed in the open space at the current School of Social Work shuttle stop to enhance the shuttle system and create a more comfortable commuting experience, which can increase ridership.