Resolution 95-06: TRANSCRIPT DEBTS

Number 95-06
Description Organizations have the power to include in the debtor's C.C.I.R. a letter of debt including (but not limited to) outstanding monetary obligations, length of involvement, and accumulated time of debt
Authored by TJ Barber
Dave Worch
Ken Hardesty
Sponsored by Matt Russell
Date Submitted Tuesday, January 24, 1995
Date Considered Tuesday, March 7, 1995
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Other
Result n/a
Remarks FAILED - This cannot be done legally.
Whereas A great many organizations rely on membership dues to fund their activities on and off campus; and
Whereas Many students fail to fulfill their monetary obligations prior to graduation; and
Whereas This is detrimental to the functioning of said organizations, and they are unable to pursue said debts after the graduation of the debtor; and
Whereas Simply removing the organizations from a person's C.C.I.R. is futile.
Be It Further Resolved That Said organizations have the power to include in the debtor's C.C.I.R. a letter of debt including (but not limited to) outstanding monetary obligations, length of involvement, and accumulated time of debt; and
Be It Further Resolved That That said letter may be removed from the C.C.I.R. only after the provision of documented fulfillment of debt, and the acknowledgement of that fulfillment from said organizations' current President(s) and advisor(s); and
Be It Further Resolved That That all letters of debt shall be pre-approved by the office of Student Development; and
Be It Further Resolved That This resolution take effect immediately.