Number 01-09
Description location maps in LS
Authored by Stephanie Christian
Sponsored by Linh Nguyen
Date Submitted Friday, August 3, 2001
Date Considered Tuesday, December 4, 2001
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Committee Affairs
Result Not Implemented
Remarks FAILED - was not implemented
Whereas The Life Science Building's floor plan is designed in a 'L' shape with one wing of the building projecting horizontally to S. Nedderman Dr. and the other wing perpendicular to the street; and
Whereas The layout of the building is challenging for incoming and transfer students to comprehend because they can not find their lab, the Dean's office, Jane Pugh, who is the biology advisor, and the Biology Department, etc; and
Whereas Floor plans or location maps posted by the elevator, stairwells, and major entrances will help direct them to their destination; and
Whereas Furthermore, visitors and guest speakers, who visit the Life Science Building will also utilize the floor plans.
Be It Further Resolved That Location maps be installed in the Life Science Building to provide the service of arriving at the desired location.