Number 01-08
Description install security phone in lot 47
Authored by Stephanie Christian
Sponsored by Linh Nguyen
Date Submitted Friday, August 3, 2001
Date Considered Tuesday, November 13, 2001
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Committee Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks IMPLEMENTED - Amended that the phones should be posted at the Northeast parking lot of W. Mitchell and S. West (parking lot 47).
Whereas On July 25, 2001, the recent news report of a couple walking on campus in Dallas was attacked by an unidentified man; and
Whereas To prevent dangerous situations from occuring, installing emergency phones on campus at the parking lots would be beneficial; and
Whereas The phones should be posted at the (1) Northeast parking lot of S. West and Doug Russel Rd., (2) Northeast parking lot of W. Mitchell and S. West, (3) North parking lot of Bessel Ave. and (4) north parking lot of Doug Russel Rd.; and
Whereas The design of the emergency phone booth would provide a direct phone call to the UTA Campus Police such as a button with an intercom; and
Whereas Proper lighting should also be provided; and
Whereas The phones would be useful in case a student felt unsafe, car problems, witness to a crime, etc., and students who do not have cell phones would benefit if they needed help.
Be It Further Resolved That Emergency phone booths be installed in the parking lots to provide security and safety for students; and
Be It Further Resolved That The phones should be posted at the Northeast parking lot of W. Mitchell and S. West (parking lot 47).