Number 10-37
Description The university and OIT create computer labs that can be used for testing purposes and seat at least 50 students.
Authored by Caitlin Wright
Sponsored by Amber Magistrado
Tony Carrillo
Date Submitted Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Date Considered Tuesday, March 29, 2011
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Academic Affairs
Result n/a
Whereas The Learning Resource Center (LRC) is a major place for nursing students to study, collaborate, and print notes for class; and
Whereas The LRC provides IT support for nursing students and electronic supplies necessary for class assignments (headphones, free printing, etc.); and
Whereas The College of Nursing has mandated that all exams be administered through Smartest (a computer testing system); and
Whereas The LRC closings due to Smartest are scheduled during major traffic times of 30 Fall school days, 7 of which are closed for the majority of the day; and
Whereas Computer testing can no longer be done in Ransom Hall; and
Whereas Other computer labs on campus are not in closed rooms and cannot accommodate 50 students for computer testing; and these closings have greatly affected students' abilities to complete assignments and be prepared for class.
Be It Further Resolved That The university and OIT create computer labs that can be used for testing purposes and seat at least 50 students.