Number 17-33
Description Brazos and Trinity house be replaced with residence halls that offer affordable housing and no meal plan requirements if the buildings are torn down.
Authored by Alexander Nervo
Sponsored by Gabrielle Vickers
Date Submitted Monday, October 16, 2017
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Committee Affairs
Result n/a
Whereas The University of Texas at Arlington has a variety of options for students regarding campus living, and are even building a new residence hall that will open in Fall 2018; and
Whereas While UTA has prided itself as an affordable school, still a great number of UTA students are unable to afford to live in most of the residence halls on campus, especially the ones that require a meal plan; and
Whereas These students often reside at Brazos House or Trinity House in order to stay on budget, as the cost of living in these residence halls is much lower and living there does not require a meal plan; and
Whereas There will be meal plans required at all residence halls starting Fall 2018; and
Whereas This could negatively impact the college experience of UTA students who want to live on campus at an affordable price.
Be It Further Resolved That The University of Texas at Arlington keeps Trinity House without a meal plan requirement for residents.