Number 92-32
Description Student Congress officially recognize these outstanding athletes for their contributions to UTA both on and off the court.
Authored by Derrick Kinney
Sponsored by Stephen Griffin
Brian Eastin
Andy Ternay
Martha Healey
Larry Reyes
Date Submitted Tuesday, April 21, 1992
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Committee Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks No further information is available about this resolution.
Whereas The UTA student community is proud to have an athletic program that is the best in the nation; and
Whereas The UTA Movin' Mavs Basketball Team recently won it's SECOND National Championship in a row; and
Whereas The Movin' Mavs Basketball Team competed against seven other teams; ansd
Whereas The team is comprised of 10 players ranging from Freshman to Junior, no Seniors; and
Whereas Coach, Jim Hayes, Director of Handicapped Services for UTA stated, "In the nation these guys are the STANDARD. Everyone is shooting for UTA"; and
Whereas The team is comprised of Greg Speed, Gabriel Diaz De Leon, Jesus Alamillio, Willie Hernandez, Stephen Welch, Jason Van Beek, Brad Michael, Pho Tran, Cipi Falcon, and Chhayly Mak. Jesus Alamillion and Stephen Welch have been named 1st Team All-American players. Stephen Welch was named the Most Valuable Player in the league for the 2nd consecutive year in a row.
Be It Further Resolved That Student Congress officially recognize these outstanding athletes for their contributions to UTA both on and off the court.