Number 10-11
Description All students at UTA be allowed to keep the remaining printing allowance at the end of every academic year and have it "rollover" into their printing quota for next year
Authored by Stephen Turner
Carson King
Sponsored by Hillary Green
Date Submitted Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Student Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks The printing allowance is not real money, only a print quota so it cannot be rolled over.
Whereas Students lose the extra printing allowance they don't use at the end of the academic year; and
Whereas Students some years use their printing allowance more than other years and vice-versa; and
Whereas Students end up running out of printing money halfway through some years while having lots of printing allowance left over other years that they don't get to use.
Be It Further Resolved That All students at UT Arlington be allowed to keep the remaining printing allowance at the end of every academic year and have it "rollover" into their printing quota for next year so that they can use it for the duration of their time enrolled at UT Arlington.