Number 92-55
Description Student Congress shall sponsor a table of Rape Awareness/Prevention in the U.C., during the first week of each fall
Authored by Andrew Ternay
Sponsored by Tracy Cox
Date Submitted Tuesday, October 27, 1992
Date Considered Tuesday, February 23, 1993
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Academic Affairs
Result n/a
Whereas In the US as of 1990, a woman was raped every six minutes, and women were 10 times more likely to be raped than killed in a car crash; and only 50% of rapes were reported (of those, only 40% resulted in arrests); and, three out of four women will be victims of at least one violent crime in their lifetimes; and
Whereas Over 100 women were raped in Arlington alone in 1991 and rape has been a prominent topic on campus and even Kelly Davis was a victim of violence against women, and even the Student Congress VP(Tracy Cox) has witnessed incidents of domestic violence in her UTA apartment complex; and
Whereas Domestic violence is inexcusable; and
Whereas No rape victim ever asked for it; even if a woman walked into a frat house stark naked and says no to offers of sex, she means no - and no is the law; and
Whereas UTA police are state police, trained to handle all manners of violence against women; and
Whereas We are the students and parking ticket revenues are revenues gleaned from us, and half of us students are women.
Be It Further Resolved That Every freshman and transfer student orientation include a rape awareness/prevention program aimed at men and women, to be provided free of charge by the Tarrant County Rape Crisis Center and in conjunction with the Student Health Service; and
Be It Further Resolved That Rape awareness/prevention brochures be available at all times at the Student Health Center, the UTA Police Station and be mandatorily included in all freshman and transfer student orientation packets; and
Be It Further Resolved That All rapes, assaults, batteries, sexual harrassments and sexual oppressions incidents that occur on campus and result in conviction be reported to Tarrant County Rape Crisis Center and the Arlington P.D.; and
Be It Further Resolved That The UTA Police cover the costs of rape examination kits and analysis for the victim whether charges are pressed or not; and
Be It Further Resolved That All UTA dorm and housing brochures and leases include notice that domestic violence on campus will result in arrest as well as informing renters that restraining orders from anywhere in Texas are valid at UTA if proof can be shown to officers; and
Be It Further Resolved That Student Congress shall sponsor a table of Rape Awareness/Prevention in the U.C., during the first week of school each fall, for two days and at each Healthfest.