Number 16-25
Description UTA become a member of National Student Exchange program
Authored by Christine Le
Sponsored by Tracy Kwan
Julianne Kirby
Breton Hawkins
Meaghan Harraghy
Date Submitted Monday, September 19, 2016
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Academic Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks FAILED
Whereas The University of Texas at Arlington would benefit from joining the National Student Exchange program because it would promote, not just from an ethnic diversity, but diversity of students from different states; and
Whereas By joining the program, UTA would be able to promote student recruitment from a national scale, as opposed to the recruitment events held just for potential students in the state (ie. Maverick Experience Day, etc.); and
Whereas UTA would become one of the few UT system schools involved in the program, making our university stand against the rest; and
Whereas If UTA were to become a member of the National Student Exchange, it could open up the university for more recruitment for potential graduate students at different universities, increasing the amount of research studies done at UTA.
Be It Further Resolved That The University of Texas at Arlington become a member of the National Student Exchange.