Number 17-29
Description UTA install bulletin boards in the new buildings being built on campus.
Authored by Nina Nguyen
Sponsored by Brandon Berens
Daniela Garcia
Alexander Nervo
Cristian Villegas
Date Submitted Monday, September 25, 2017
Date Considered Tuesday, April 10, 2018
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Academic Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks The Student Senate believes that adding additional approved posting locations for Student Organizations will greatly benefit students as they will be able to post in more locations. Also, the addition of the these locations would not be difficult as students are already posting their flyers and posters there anyway. Additionally, ensuring that new buildings on campus, such as the SEIR and the West UC, have posting locations will further allow organizations to expand their marketing on campus.
Whereas The University of Texas at Arlington has a large amount of the student population that want to get involved and attend campus events; and
Whereas The main source of on-campus marketing for such events are posters and fliers on designated bulletin boards; and
Whereas Most of these designated bulletin boards are limited to the first and second floor of some buildings; and
Whereas UTA has many programming organizations under Student Affairs and over 300 student organizations on campus, that all have to compete for the same bulletin boards.
Be It Further Resolved That The University of Texas at Arlington install bulletin boards and or posting areas in all new and upcoming buildings – including but not limited to the SEIR, Engineering Building, West UC, and the new dorm on the west side of campus – for student organizations to market their events.
Be It Further Resolved That That the University of Texas at Arlington revise and update the posting locations in current buildings on campus to increase the number of posting areas for student organizations.