Number 05-38
Description Mav Money for residence washers & dryers
Authored by Sara Austin
Sponsored by Zach Walker
Date Submitted Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Date Considered Tuesday, November 8, 2005
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Committee Affairs
Result Killed By Committee
Remarks FAILED - Mav Express has already ordered card readers for all residence hall washers and dryers.
Whereas Some residence halls, such as KC Hall, do not have Mav Money readers for washers and dryers; and
Whereas Instead of Mav Money readers, these residence halls have change machines; and
Whereas In KC Hall, there is only one change machine for the entire residence hall; and
Whereas These change machines frequently run out of change, forcing students to either go to other residence halls that have change machines or do their laundry elsewhere; and
Whereas The ability to do laundry in a residence hall without having to go elsewhere is an intrinsic part of living in a residence hall; and
Whereas The university is focusing on using one card to access all student services, and this is such a service.
Be It Further Resolved That Washers and dryers in residence halls become equipped with Mav Money readers; and
Be It Further Resolved That If that is not economically feasible, all residence halls become equipped with enough change machines supplied frequently enough to accommodate regular use.