Number 93-32
Description Public transportation system to help UTA students get to stores
Authored by Matt Russell
Sponsored by Dave Worch
Date Submitted Monday, September 13, 1993
Date Considered Tuesday, November 30, 1993
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Other
Result n/a
Remarks IMPLEMENTED - Memo from University President Amacher dated January 13, 1994, states that "I am opposed to putting the funding obligation on the University Police budget."
Whereas Many international students and dormitory residents are attending UTA on a very limited budget, and have no means of transportation other than walking; and
Whereas Many of these students have shopping needs that cannot be met; and
Whereas The Winn-Dixie at Park Row and Cooper is scheduled to close at the end of the year eliminating the only food store within walking distance; and
Whereas UTA has a large fleet of shuttle buses that goes largely unused on the weekends.
Be It Further Resolved That The University of Texas at Arlington provide a weekend shuttle service between UTA and major shopping centers in Arlington; and
Be It Further Resolved That Funding be provided by local merchants; and
Be It Further Resolved That If the above group cannot meet funding requirements, then the University Police department (in charge of the shuttle buses) shall provide funding in full; and
Be It Further Resolved That The University provide sufficient shuttle buses to make this a viable project; and
Be It Further Resolved That Should Arlington implement a public transportation system, then this service shall be discontinued.