Number | 91-03 |
Description | Set minimum requirement for entering freshman SAT and ACT scores |
Authored by |
Randall Trent |
Sponsored by |
Danny George |
Date Submitted | Tuesday, January 29, 1991 |
Date Considered | Tuesday, January 29, 1991 |
Committee | Academic Affairs |
Result | n/a |
Remarks | FAILED |
Whereas | UTA is and institution of Higher Education and therefore is entitled to a minimum amount of Elementary Education for its entering freshpersons; and |
Whereas | The present entrance requirements are inadequate and laughable; and |
Whereas | At least 25% of entering freshpersons have a totally inadequate amount of Elementary Education; and |
Whereas | These 25% are a serious impediment for any reasonable pace of Higher Learning; and |
Whereas | An institution of Higher Learning ought to care more about quality than mere body-counts; and |
Whereas | Under present conditions there is not enough incentive for High Schools to provide sufficient Elementary Education; |
Be It Further Resolved That | 1. Urges UTA administrators and the under-graduate assembly to raise the entrance requirements for entering freshpersons gradually over the next years; and |
Be It Further Resolved That | 2. Urges the President and Vice President for Academic Affairs to use every opportunity in meetings with other bodies (e.g. coordinating boards, legislative committees, school boards, etc.) to call attention to the deplorable state of education and the need for urgent and drastic improvement state wide; and |
Be It Further Resolved That | 3. Requests the administration of UTA to notify high schools of the impending raising of entrance requirements and hence their obligations to provide the necessary Elementary Education, for high school graduates to apply successfully for university admission; and |
Be It Further Resolved That | 4. Specifically requests the undergraduate assembly to change: 4.1 the entrance requirements for entering freshpersons, beginning with the next edition of the undergraduate catalog (1991/93??) in the following way: High School minimum acceptable maximum acceptable graduate class SAT scores ACT scores first quarter 800 19 second quarter 900 22 3rd & 4th quarter 1,000 24 4.2. the required high school units in the following way: Mathematics from 2 to 3 units, with at least 2 units of algebra and at least 1 unit of geometry. Note: a version of the resolution was written and presented to the faculty senate by Sir. V.O. Herrmann, professor of physics. |