Number 05-09
Description statute of limitations on parking tickets
Authored by Zach Walker
Zac Sanders
Kelsi McCaskey
Sponsored by Jasmine Stewart
Krissy Clowe
James Urban
Gene Hintz
Delila Pleasant
Date Submitted Wednesday, February 2, 2005
Date Considered Tuesday, April 12, 2005
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Academic Affairs
Result Killed By Committee
Remarks FAILED - The Parking Appeals Panel is understaffed to expedite this process.
Whereas Parking tickets administered by the UTA Police may be appealed if the recipient believes that he or she has a valid case for dismissal; and
Whereas The recipient of the ticket must first pay the ticket and then apply for the appeal, at which time it will be queued for a hearing date; and
Whereas Once an appeal is requested, it may take several months for it to be heard, during which time financial hardship or a loss of communication with the UTA Police Dept. may occur; and
Whereas If there were a statute of limitations on parking tickets, a much more expedient system of appeals would be created.
Be It Further Resolved That A statute of limitations of one month is applied to all tickets from the time the appeal is requested to the time that the hearing is held; and
Be It Further Resolved That If there is no hearing time scheduled within this time frame, the ticket will be automatically dismissed, and the recipient will be granted a refund.