Number 93-27
Description That civil engineering professors and students give advice in the design and creation of these systems.
Authored by Scott Elrod
Sponsored by Charles Carneiro
Date Submitted Tuesday, August 31, 1993
Date Considered Tuesday, November 30, 1993
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Rules and Appropriations
Result n/a
Remarks IMPLEMENTED - Memo from University President Amacher dated January 13, 1994, states that "I am in agreement with this resolution and we have taken steps to implement the suggestion."
Whereas UTA's current system of draining rainwater off of the streets is inadequate; and
Whereas After heavy rain, students must cross streets and walkways that are many inches deep with water and mud; and
Whereas After walking through this water, shoes become muddy and sometimes ruined, socks become wet and feet begin to smell; and
Whereas Nobody wants to sit in a lecture class with a couple of hundred wet, smelly feet; and
Whereas The poor drainage system also makes a terrible impression on visitors who happen to come to UTA on a rainy day.
Be It Further Resolved That UTA inprove its water drainage and sewer system to drain fast enough so that no larger than normal puddles form where people must walk; and
Be It Further Resolved That During the time that this is being done, which may be a while, UTA should build some type of path or walkway leading from each major parking lot to the inner campus that is free of large puddles and mud; and
Be It Further Resolved That That civil engineering professors and students give advice in the design and creation of these systems.