Resolution 10-33: MY EXERCISE WILL GO ON

Number 10-33
Description UTA considers having conferences and meetings in a different location other than the upstairs game room
Authored by Herschel Tian
Sponsored by Emily Boren
Date Submitted Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Committee Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks Other spaces in the MAC, such as the indoor basketball courts, are used for purposes outside of sports and recreation. Because the building often holds different and multiple events, the committee felt that UTA makes efficient use of the space.
Whereas The space where the ping pong tables are upstairs in the MAC is always occupied with a variety of conferences, which causes many people who go to play ping pong to have to wait or just leave due to the meetings; and
Whereas The MAC is primarily for activity use and shouldn't always be bothered by other activities that would interfere with students' daily work out since there are a lot of rooms and places on campus that could be serve as appropriate space for these conferences; and
Whereas There have been complaints by workers at the MAC that the ping pong tables are being broken due to frequent moves for conferences, causing the need for new tables to be bought.
Be It Further Resolved That The university considers having such conferences and meetings in a different location than the upstairs game room of the MAC or move the ping pong tables to a more stable location in the MAC.