Number 05-B
Description SC against plus/minus grading system
Authored by Josh Sawyer
Zac Sanders
James Urban
Zach Walker
David Schautz
Sponsored by Kristin Kilday
Justin Glasgow
Date Submitted Thursday, September 22, 2005
Date Considered Thursday, January 1, 1970
General Body Vote Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Committee Academic Affairs
Result Passed By Legislative Branch
Whereas The Undergraduate Assembly is considering going to a Plus/Minus grading system; and
Whereas This system, if instituted, would change the grading scale for students at this university; and
Whereas The document forwarded onto the Undergraduate Assembly by the Plus/Minus Task Force states that the system would be voluntary for the faculty, allowing a possible difference in grading for the same class (with different sections); and
Whereas This system when instituted at universities similarly situated to UT-Arlington (such as Eastern Kentucky and Texas State Universities), was later revoked;
Be It Further Resolved That The Student Congress of the University of Texas at Arlington is opposed to the implementation of a Plus/Minus grading system at UT-Arlington; and
Be It Further Resolved That Student Congress encourages the Undergraduate Assembly to vote against the implementation of a plus/minus system as proposed by the Plus/Minus Task Force.
Be It Further Resolved That If a plus/minus grading system is to be implemented by the University, a grade of an A(90-100) be designated as a 4.0 GPA.