Number 93-19
Description Build a new science hall named after a prominent person and start traditions for science students
Authored by Unknown
Sponsored by Unknown
Date Submitted Tuesday, April 20, 1993
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Academic Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks No further information is available about this resolution.
Whereas Construction is now beginning on the new UTA Science Building; and
Whereas This is an excellent "ground-floor" opportunity for fund-raising and support for the UTA Science Department and campus as a whole; and
Whereas When opportunity knocks, you should open the door.
Be It Further Resolved That The following recommendations be implemented to maximize this construction opportunity:
Be It Further Resolved That 1. Bricks be sold for $100 with the donor's name placed on a small gold emblem on the actual brick of the Science Building and a "Certificate of Ownership in UTA" be presented to each contributor (this is an idea originated by Texas Rangers President Tom Schiffer to implement at the new Arlington stadium). People like to be a part of the project, especially when they see their name on it; and
Be It Further Resolved That 2. That the new Science Building be named after a prominent person who has excelled in the Sciences to promote financial and national support; and
Be It Further Resolved That 3. A "Science Hall of Honor" similar to the Military Science Hall of Honor, be started in the New Science Building. The person judged as the outstanding sciences student would have their picture placed in the "Hall of Honor" to serve as the example of TRADITION that incoming students have to live up to. Any student with their picture in a building, will give back in Alumni dollars and be automatically named to the "Excellence in Science Advisory Committee" to keep them in the loop for the rest of thier lives. This committee would serve as a "Board of Directors" for the School of Science; and
Be It Further Resolved That 4. Each Science graduating class will bury a time capsule in a certain location which will include interesting items for the students behind them to be retrieved at a set time to promote traditions within the college; and
Be It Further Resolved That These recommendations be implemented as quickly as possible to capitalize on this excellent opportunity, and all proceeds from "Brick sales" go directly to fund student scholarships.