Number 91-20
Description Freedom of Speech
Authored by Andrew Ternay
Sponsored by Il Jang, Terri Talbert, Tracey Cox
Date Submitted Monday, April 15, 1991
Date Considered Tuesday, September 24, 1991
Committee Student Affairs
Result n/a
Whereas Politically Correct" speech has spread to many college campuses across the nation; and
Whereas Some of these campuses have banned certain forms of speech and press deemed "offensive"; and
Whereas Student Congress already contains the mechanisms to express disapproval for "offensive" speech via a resolution of condemnation (like the Hooters bill); and
Whereas State and Federal courts are already declaring such aforementioned bans forms of prior restraints upon speech and press and as such illegal and unconstitutional; and
Whereas UTA is a state institution. governed by the Constitution of the United States of America as applied to the states by the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Bill of Rights
Be It Further Resolved That The Student Congress of UT A formally embrace and endorse both the literal meaning of the First Amendment and the spirit behind the words of the Amendment by resolving to make No Law (or resolution) abridging the freedom of Speech, or of the press or the right of the people peaceably assemble.