Resolution 17-12: COMMUTER ON BOARD

Number 17-12
Description Placing additional notice boards in further parking lots.
Authored by Yash Singh
Jay Hinge
Sponsored by Nam Anh Dang
Nina Nguyen
Daniela Garcia
Gabrielle Vickers
Rakin Haque
Date Submitted Monday, March 6, 2017
Date Considered Tuesday, August 29, 2017
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Special Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks Due to the feedback from staff and the realization that university funds could be better utilized for boards in other areas, the resolution was generally viewed as an ineffective decision at this time.
Whereas UT Arlington has a wide range of events that happen on campus frequently; and
Whereas The organizations arranging these events reach out to the student community through posters and chalking on streets on campus along with other means of advertisement; and
Whereas This restricts the outreach primarily to students who live on campus because majority of the posters are placed only on buildings and pillars within the campus limits; and
Whereas This leads to commuter students rarely hearing about events through any other medium but social media; and
Whereas Commuter students who drive, park their cars in the numerous parking lots available on campus.
Be It Further Resolved That The University looks into creating notice boards or a similar outreach mechanism in parking lots for organizations on campus to utilize to reach out to the vast commuter student community of UTA.