Peer-Led Team Learning

What is PLTL?

PLTL (Peer-Led Team Learning) allows you to work in small groups of 8 with your peers to apply or practice problem sets developed by UTA faculty. PLTL sessions are once a week and attendance is mandatory. A PLTL Leader will meet with the group to provide the problem sets and help through areas that are difficult to understand.

What does PLTL do for you?

  • Higher grade in the class that is traditionally difficult (high failure rate)
  • Better understanding of the content, concepts, and how to apply what you learned
  • Make friends
  • It is free!!
  • Develop your own study groups for other courses
  • Possible future employment opportunities as a PLTL Leader (Get an A or a B in the class. Please come and talk with us if you are interested.)

Who is in the PLTL sessions?

Eight of your peers and the PLTL Leader will be in the PLTL session with you. You will get to know them all and will work with them in small groups to solve problems, ask questions, and learn.

What courses have PLTL sessions?

MATH 1421 – Precalculus, MATH 1426 – Calculus I, MATH 2425 – Calculus II, MATH 3319  - Differential Equations & Linear Algebra, MATH 3330 - Introduction to Linear Algebra and Vector Spaces, CHEM 1441 – Chemistry I, CHEM 1442 – Chemistry II, CHEM 1465 – Chemistry for Engineering, CHEM 2321 - Organic Chemistry I, CHEM 2322 - Organic Chemistry II, CSE 1310 - Introduction to Computers and Programing and MAE 1312 - Engineering Statics.

When are PLTL sessions scheduled?

PLTL sessions are 80 minutes once per week. You will work with the same group of students and the PLTL Leader for the entire semester. PLTL sessions will be offered at various days and times throughout the week.

Where are the PLTL sessions held?

PLTL sessions are offered in-person.

How do I sign-up for PLTL??

Your professor will announce in the first week of class if your course is supported by PLTL. If it is, the professor will give you information to register for PLTL. You may register during the first 2 weeks of class. PLTL seats are available on a first come first serve basis until all sessions are full. Once all sessions are full you will be put on a waiting list. Any student who has 2 absences will be removed from the session and another student from the waitlist will be selected to take their place.

What is the PLTL attendance policy?

PLTL sessions require mandatory participation. If you fail to attend in the first two weeks, your slot will be given to a student on the waiting list.

Who are the PLTL leaders?

Trust us, you are in good hands! The PLTL Leaders are undergraduate students like you, but they have already taken the course you are enrolled in and they earned an “A" or "B”. In addition, faculty recommended them to work as PLTL Leaders in their courses and the Academic Success Center interviews, hires, and trains them.

Can I be a PLTL leader?

If you have taken a course that we offer PLTL session support for, received an “A” or "B" in the course, have a 3.0 GPA, and have 1 faculty recommendation (must be from this discipline), you are more than welcome to apply for a PLTL Leader position. You can find an application on this website under “Student Employment.”

How do I get more Information?

Please contact us! Our departmental email is