Welcome to the Division of Student Success

We are your home for academic resources at UT Arlington. Let us support your academic success!

The Division of Student Success is here to connect you to the campus and the resources proven to help you succeed. Please contact us at dss@uta.edu with general concerns or questions. Let us show you how we can help! As a Maverick, you’re never alone in your journey toward your dreams.


Student Success

we are ready for you this fall!

There is no better time to be a Maverick! We are ready to see you in person this fall in Maverick Country! See the Office Directory for locations, hours, and ways to get in touch with us. Mav Up!

19,452 Advisor-Student Meetings

The number of academic advising appointments completed by University Advising Center during the 2021 calendar year.

9 days

We transitioned all student support services in just 9 days to adjust to the University's flip to virtual.

96% Re-Enrollment

Over 96% of regular Fall 2019 Math Supplemental Instruction participants re-enrolled classes in Spring 2020.

Experiential Learning

Office of New Student Courses offered 182 experiential learning sections of the UNIV first year seminar in 2020-21 academic year.
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$50,000 savings

Using Open Educational Resources as course texts saved our students an estimated total of $49,750/year.

CLEP Honors National Achievement Award

This award recognizes the Top 20 US institutions with the highest volume of CLEP exam administrations in a year.


The Academic Success Center (ASC) is your portal to achieving academic success at UT Arlington. We make every effort to assist students in meeting their academic goals across a wide variety of subject areas. Through supplemental instruction, tutoring, mentoring, and collaborations with campus partners, the Academic Success Center focuses on helping you maximize your potential and thrive in your undergraduate career at UT Arlington.

Upcoming Events