Make that citation Disappear
So you’ve found yourself with a parking citation. Not to worry. We make taking care of it as painless as we possibly can. Simply follow the directions in the options below. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact Parking and Transportation Services at 817-272-3907.
1) Paying your citation
For your convenience, citations can be paid online through MAVPark using a major credit card. You can also pay in-person in our office or by sending the payment to our office located at 710 S. Davis Dr, Arlington Texas 76019 (please include the citation number on your check). E-citations are issued after an internal review for accuracy and may take up to 2 business days to be applied your account.
2) Appealing your citation
If you wish to appeal a parking citation, you must do so within 14 days from the issue date of the citation. All appeals must be completed online in MAVPark. If you have a campus Net ID and password, please use the single sign on when logging in. If you do not have an ID and password, you must create a visitor’s account to complete the appeal. You will need the citation number when filling your appeal, and you will have an opportunity to upload photographs or other documents, so have them ready. Once you appeal a citation, you are claiming ownership for that citation. It becomes your responsibility to complete the appeal process and address the determined outcome. All submissions become the property of UTA.
After the submission, you will be notified by email of the decision of the appeal officer. Please be patient; there may be a significant delay before your appeal is reviewed and a decision emailed.
Citation Amount |
Not parked inside a stall- Parking in a manner where the tires are on or over the lines designating the parking space, including the unpainted line at the front of the space. |
$40.00 |
Maximum time violation- Vehicles parked in a time-controlled area over the indicated maximum time limit. Relocating within the same time-controlled area on the same day is not permitted. |
$40.00 |
Expired meter- The meter for the indicated space is expired. There is no grace period. |
$40.00 |
Loading zone violation- Parked in a loading zone for an extended period of time while not actively loading/unloading. |
$55.00 |
Improper parking- Unauthorized parking on campus areas not designated for parking, parking over diagonal no-parking lines, or backed in/pulled through in an angled parking space. |
$55.00 |
Not moving a vehicle when instructed- The vehicle is not removed from a lot or garage after verbal, letter, email, and/or sign notification is made. This may be enforced by a citation and/or towing the vehicle. Separate tow fee may also apply if the vehicle was towed. |
$55.00 |
Parked in a no parking zone- Parked in an area that is posted no parking or where the curb is painted in a manner that indicates no parking. |
$55.00 |
Parked within 15 feet of a fire hydrant- Parked within 15 feet of a fire hydrant or other device used for fire suppression. |
$55.00 |
Parked in a fire lane- Parked in an area with red painted lines or posted as a fire lane. |
$100.00 |
Sharing Parking Permit/Multiple Vehicles on Campus- Each permit is allowed one license plate on campus per day. Customers may add up to 3 personally owned, rented, or leased vehicles to each permit as a convenience. However, each additional license plate will need a separate permit if it is to be on campus during the same day. The day resets at 11:59 p.m. nightly. Customers are not permitted to add another customer’s vehicle to their permit to avoid purchasing a parking permit. Sharing a permit is not permitted. Customers can make 5 changes to vehicles on their permit throughout the year. All subsequent vehicle changes must be made in person in the Parking office. |
$100.00 |
No Active Permit- The vehicle is not in possession of a valid UTA parking permit. |
$55.00 |
Parking in a reserved space- Unauthorized parking in a space designated as reserved and marked by either a sign or paint. This may be enforced by a citation and/or towing the vehicle. Separate tow fee may also apply if the vehicle was towed. |
$75.00 |
ADA accessible space violation- Parked in a legally marked PwD space without displaying a valid placard or license plate. This may be enforced by a citation and/or towing the vehicle. Separate tow fee may also apply if the vehicle was towed. |
$200.00 |
Tampering with university equipment- Tampering with, damaging, or attempting to tamper with, committing a theft, or attempting to commit a theft of equipment owned and/or operated by UTA. |
Up to $750.00 |
Wrong Permit for Lot- The vehicle has an active permit but is in the incorrect lot for the permit designation. |
$55.00 |
Tow Fee- A fee charged to UTA when a private tow company moves a vehicle. This fee is passed on to the vehicle owner through a separate tow fee citation. |
$75.00 |
Late Fee- A $25 monthly late fee citation is added to the customer’s MavPark account when payment for a citation is not received by the due date. |
$25.00 |
Boot Fee- A boot fee is assessed when a boot is used to immobilize a vehicle. This fee is assigned through a boot fee citation. |
$75.00 |
Returned Check Fee (NSF)- A $25 fee charged by the University when a check is returned. |
$25.00 |
Incorrect License Plate Provided- A No Active Permit citation will be reduced to $20 if, through appeal, it is found that the vehicle owner has an active parking permit at the time of the violation but either didn't update the license plate of the cited vehicle, or entered the license plate incorrectly. |
$20.00 |