MS Teams customize your background banner

When joining a Teams meeting, you want the focus on you—not that messy bookcase behind you. Last year, we introduced background blur to help everyone preserve privacy and keep their attention on their teammates. Our design team also created a collection of preset images that range from professional (a modern office) to pretty silly (a cartoonish beach scene). Today, we’re expanding these options so you can customize your background by uploading your own images or choosing one of the School of Social Work backgrounds now available online.


How to Use Teams Backgrounds

The backgrounds on this page are from the School of Social Work.  Here are instructions for using them.


  1. Click on a thumbnail to open the image at full size and right-click to save it to your computer.
  2. Then, follow the steps in this Knowledge Base article to add them to Teams.


School of Social Work MS Teams Virtual Backgrounds

School of Social Work Virtual MS Teams Background School of Social Work MS Teams Virtual Background #2 School of Social Work MS Teams Virtual Background #3 School of Social Work MS Teams Virtual Background #12


School of Social Work MS Teams Virtual Background #5 School of Social Work MS Teams Virtual Background #6 School of Social Work MS Teams Virtual Background #7 School of Social Work MS Teams Virtual Background #10


School of Social Work MS Teams Virtual Background #9 School of Social Work MS Teams Virtual Background  #8     School of Social Work MS Teams Virtual Background #4      School of Social Work MS Teams Virtual Background #17


School of Social Work MS Teams Virtual Background #15 School of Social Work MS Teams Virtual Background #16 School of Social Work MS Teams Virtual Background #14      School of Social Work MS Teams Virtual Background #19


School of Social Work MS Teams Virtual Background #20 School of Social Work MS Teams Virtual Background #21 School of Social Work MS Teams Virtual Background #22 School of Social Work MS Teams Virtual Background #23





Antwan C. Williams, J.D.
Assistant Dean of Communications, Marketing, and Recruitment
Phone: 817-272-6708
Office:  SWSH 203S

Jessica Davis
Marketing Manager
Phone:  817-272-3880
Office:  SWSH 203R

Jobanet Flores
Marketing Coordinator
Phone:  817-272-3870
Office:  SWSH 203L

Doughlas Gutierrez
Communications Assistant for Digital Media & Video Production
Reserve studio time: Book now
Phone: 817-272-6288
Office:  SWSH 207

Jaelon Jackson
Communications Specialist
Office:  SWSH 207

Jamilet Martinez
Special Events Coordinator
Phone:  817-272-5226
Office:  SWSH 203K

John Sevier
Web Developer
Phone:  817-272-6352
Office:  SWSH 203V