The MAFE Student Ambassadors

The Maverick Advantage Faculty Engagement (MAFE) Student Ambassadors is a diverse group of students from various disciplines that will engage with faculty with the intent of providing student input during the process of implementing the Maverick Advantage (MA) into courses and spreading awareness of how to find and enroll in MA courses. They will be given the opportunity to enhance or develop their leadership, public speaking, communication, and teamwork skills through presentations, events, and outreach opportunities.


MAFE Ambassadors are chosen through an application process and serve for one academic year.

  • Executive meetings will be held weekly.
  • All Ambassadors report to the MAFE Chair.



  1. Be able to serve for a full semester
  2. Attend weekly meetings, scheduled events, and trainings
  3. Must have experienced at least ONE of the Maverick Advantage activities (Learn about them here at the bottom of the page – You have probably already done one, but don’t know it!)
  4. Participate in at least 2 presentations and 2 tabling events per semester
  5. Fulfill position and general ambassador responsibilities



General Responsibilities 

  • Contribute approximately 3-5 hours per week (Mon.-Fri. between 8am-5pm)
  • Meet given deadlines
  • Conduct MAFE presentations
  • Post flyers and posters around campus
    • Work tabling events
    • Awareness tabling
  • Activity fairs and orientations
  • Maintain a procedures binder
  • Be actively engaged with the team and contribute ideas to help the overall growth of the program
  • Assist the other Ambassadors when needed
  • Other duties as assigned


Apply to be a MAFE Ambassador!

Any major or year can apply! This is a great opportunity to learn or enhance your leadership, public speaking, problem-solving, and teamwork skills.