Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies Scholarships

Dr Sonja Stephenson Watson, Taylor Long, Women's and Gender Studies Excellence Award Winner, Meagan Soloman, Jr. Woman's Club of Fort Worth Endowed Scholarship Recipient, and Shanda Pettibone, representing Jr. Woman's Club of Fort Worth


We have 2 major scholarships awarded each spring semester: The Jr. Woman’s Club of Ft Worth Endowed Scholarship and the Abbe Doss Patton Scholarship. Winners of these scholarships are honored at the College of Liberal Arts Accolades Ceremony in April.

Jr. Woman’s Club of Ft Worth Endowed Scholarship

The Jr. Woman’s Club of Ft Worth Endowed Scholarship is for Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies Minors only. The amount of the scholarship varies, depending on the number of Minors awarded. GWSS Minors must also have a minimum of 6 hours (including currently enrolled classes) towards the GWSS Minor and scholastic excellence. GWSS Minors must submit their application, unofficial UTA transcripts, and 2 letters of recommendation to the Mav Scholarshop app.

Mav Scholarshop Opportunities

Abbe Doss Patton Scholarship

The Abbe Doss Patton Scholarship is awarded to any UTA student who is a non-traditional or returning student. Eligible students include those transferring to UTA from another university or college. The amount of the scholarship varies, depending on the number of students awarded. Students submit their application and application materials to the Mav Scholarshop app.

Mav Scholarshop Opportunities