EH&S Emergency Source

UTA Emergency Response Plan
Bookmark MavSafe,
UTA's Emergency Response Plan website,
on your phone, tablet, or computer
to have the University's emergency resources
at your fingertips!
Note: Safari is recommended for an iPhone
and Chrome for an Android.
Important Resources & Guidelines
Building Evacuation Route Maps
Emergency Evacuation Chair Locations
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Locations
Emergency Fire Evacuation Procedures CO-CS-PR-06
Accident/Fire Reporting Policy CO-CS-PR-09
Campus Safety Plan - Emergency Preparedness Section
EH&S Program Specific Emergency Information:
- Guidelines for Hazardous Chemical Spills
- Guidelines for Biohazardous Material Spills
- Procedures for Radioactive Material Incidents
- Procedures for Radiation Producing Machine Exposure
- Guidelines for Laser Incidents
- Workers' Compensation: Employee's Report of Work-Related Injury or Occupational Disease
- Injury/Illness Reporting Form for Students and Visitors
UTA Emergency Procedures
Outlines steps to follow when an emergency strikes.
Links to Other University Departments
University Emergency Communications
Office of Emergency Management (OEM)
UTA Police (UTAPD)
Office of Facilities Management (OFM)
Health Services