Student Access & Resource Center


PLEASE NOTE: CAMPUS REMODEL IN PROGRESS! For complete details about the campus remodel, visit:

About Us

The SAR Center provides services, in the form of academic accommodations, to students with all types of disabilities. Our accessibility specialists provide aid and guidance to students in personal, academic, and career matters. We also have an Alternative Testing area where we provide testing accommodations as well as offer a range of assistive technology for students. In addition to providing services to students, we strive also to be a resource to faculty and staff.

Our Mission

The Student Access & Resource Center (SAR Center) is committed to the full engagement of students with disabilities in the University community. The SAR Center demonstrates its commitment to accessibility as well as informed and active citizenship by employing exemplary practices in disability counseling, assistive technology, alternative media, reasonable accommodations, and the sharing of disability related information.
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