Our Mission

Our Mission

The University of Texas at Arlington is a comprehensive teaching, research, and public service institution dedicated to the advancement of knowledge through scholarship and creative work.

The University is committed to providing access and ensuring student success, and to a culture of innovation, entrepreneurship, and commercialization of discoveries by our community of scholars.

The University promotes lifelong learning through its academic, continuing education, and experiential learning programs. The faculty, staff, and student community shares diverse cultural values that foster inclusivity and cultivate mutual respect.

Our Vision

To have a lasting impact on the communities we serve by developing the talents of our students, leading in innovation and discovery, and fostering a culture of engagement.

Our Values


Building authentic partnerships to leverage access, skills, talents, and knowledge to achieve desired results.

Community of Belonging

Creating a thriving community that demonstrates appreciation, value, and respect for all individuals.


Approaching all actions with high standards and exemplary service.


Consistently striving to think and act in new and creative ways.


Demonstrating honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior.