Kyle Kratzenberg


Kyle Kratzenberg portraitRole:

Assistant Athletic Trainer at the University of Texas at San Antonio


Head Baseball Athletic Trainer & Head Volleyball Athletic Trainer

In his own words:

"I credit UTA for all my success and accomplishments. The athletic training program at UT Arlington not only helped me become a better athletic trainer, but also a better person. Dr. Krawietz and Dr. Trowbridge are the primary reasons I choose the program at UT Arlington and without them I would not be where I am today. The amount of knowledge and guidance they have provided me cannot be measured. The educators at UTA are by far some of the best in the Athletic Training world and have gave great examples on how to be the best athletic trainer you can be and our passing rate on the BOC proves that. I hold the UTA program very dear to my heart and I tell our students here at UTSA, if they are serious about athletic training and want to be a successful athletic trainer you will not go wrong with UT Arlington."