Undergraduate researchers looking at slide

About the Center

Housed within the UTA College of Education, the new STEM Education Research Collaboratorium and Resource Center, also known as STEM-E(RC)2, is designed to help education researchers address questions about the nature and outcomes of education programs for the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics – while also assisting teachers, universities, school districts, and other education stakeholders in refining educational programming in ways that will enhance student learning and engagement.

Students in the advanced materials lab in uta campus

Get Involved

Become an early collaborator and connect with us at the STEM Education Research Collaboratorium and Resource Center - STEM-E(RC)2 as we work to establish interdisciplinary partnerships among researchers and practitioners in the fields of science, mathematics, engineering, learning theory, technology, and education research to investigate teaching and learning from perspectives that reflect the priorities, knowledge, and practices of unique STEM disciplines.

STEM Education Awards & Publications

For a comprehensive list of faculty awards, publications, and more, view UTA faculty profile website at https://www.uta.edu/academics/faculty

  • Forbes, C. (PI), "North Texas Semiconductor Workforce Consortium: An Industry-Base, Workforce Development Ecosystem," Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education (UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS), Federal, $298,243.06. (June 1, 2023 - May 31, 2026).
  • Jocius, R. (PI), & Joswick, C. (co-PI). Collaborative Research: Unpacking Computational Thinking for Elementary Teachers and Learners. National Science Foundation Discovery Research K-12, Federal. $443,581. (June 1, 2023-June 1, 2027).
  • Forbes, C. (CoPI), Eisma, J. (PI), Chakravarthy, U. S. (CoPI), Park, J. Y. (CoPI), Grant, "CyberTraining: Pilot: Justice in Data: An intensive, mentored online bootcamp developing FAIR data competencies in undergraduate researchers in the water and energy sectors", National Science Foundation, Federal, UTA, $300,943.85, Funded. (start: January 2023, end: December 2025).
  • Jimenez, B. (PI), Forbes, C. (Supporting), Grant, "Building the Epistemology of Engineering for Students with Extensive Support Needs (BEES)", National Science Foundation, Federal, $771,341.89, Funded. (start: July 2022, end: June 2025).
  • Forbes, C. (PI), "Supporting Undergraduate Teaching and Learning about Socio-Hydrological Challenges through Data-Driven Modeling in the FANH Sciences," Sponsored by DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Federal, $272,173.97. (August 1, 2021 - August 31, 2024).
  • Joswick, C. (PI), "Region 10 GEAR UP Project," Sponsored by US Department of Education, Federal, Total Amount $689,301.00. (September 2021 - 2028).
  • Olsen, A. (PI), Joswick, C. (CoPI), "Increasing Teachers’ Capacity for Integrating Mathematics, Social-Emotional Learning, and Equity (Math + SEL +E)," Sponsored by US Department of Education, Total Amount $7,886,947.42. (October 2022 - September 2025).
  • Lee, J. (PI), Jocius, R. (CoPI), Joswick, C. (CoPI), Pole, K. (CoPI), "The Story-Themed Coding (STC) Project," Sponsored by Sid Richardson Foundation, Total Amount $67,500.00. (December 2022 - Present).

Cory Forbes

Bree Jimenez

  • Root, J., Saunders, A., Jimenez, B., & Gilley, D. (2022). Essential components for math instruction: Considerations for students with extensive support needs. TEACHING Exceptional Children. doi.org/10.1177/00400599221120882
  • Root, J. R., Jimenez, B. A., & Twine, J. (2022). Small group mathematical problem solving instruction for elementary students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 57(1), 3-15.
  • Jimenez, B. & Barron, T., (2022). Specially designed instruction of early numeracy in the inclusive elementary classroom for students with extensive support needs. Inclusion. Advanced online
  • Jimenez, B., Croft, G., Twine, J., & Gorey, J. (2021). Development of engineering habits of mind for students with intellectual disability. Journal of Special Education, 55(3), 174-185. doi.org/10.1177/00224669211009960
  • Root, J. R., Jimenez, B. A., & Saunders, A. (2021). Leveraging the UDL framework to plan grade-aligned mathematics in inclusive settings. Inclusive Practices. doi.org/10.1177/2732474521990028

Robin Jocius

  • Blanton, M., Jocius, R., Albert, J., Joshi, D., & Andrews, A. (2023). Dragons, squishy circuits, and computational thinking: Integrating scientific literacies into elementary classrooms. Language Arts 100(4), 269-281.
  • Jocius, R., Albert, J., Bhonsle, R., Joshi, D., O’Byrne, I., & Blanton, M. (2023). Connecting a community through computational thinking and robotics. Connected Science Learning 5(1), https://www.nsta.org/connected-science-learning/connected-science-learning-february-march-2023/connecting-community
  • Jocius, R., O’Byrne, W.I., Albert, J. Joshi, D., Blanton, M., Robinson, R., Andrews, A., Barnes, T., Cateté, V. (2022). Building a virtual community of practice: Teacher learning for computational thinking infusion. TechTrends, 66, 547-559. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11528-022-00729-6
  • Lee, J., Joswick, C., Pole, K., & Jocius, R. (2022). Algorithm design for young children. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 23(2), 198-202. https://doi.org/10.1177/14639491211033663
  • Jocius, R., O’Byrne, I., Blanton, M., Albert, J., Joshi, D. & Robinson, R. (2021). Leveraging virtual professional development to build computational thinking literacies in English language arts classrooms. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 21(4), 626-654.
  • Jocius, R., O’Byrne, I., Albert, J., Joshi, D., Robinson, R., & Andrews, A. (2021). Infusing computational thinking into STEM teaching: From professional development to classroom practice. Educational Technology and Society, 24(4), 166-179.

Candace Joswick 

  • Joswick, C., Skultety, L., & Olsen, A. (2023). Mathematics, learning disabilities, and learning styles: A review of perspectives published by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Education Sciences, 13(10), 2023. DOI: 10.3390/educsci13101023
  • Jocius, R., Joswick, C., Blanton, M., Albert, J., & Joshi, D. (2023). Towards a pedagogical content knowledge learning trajectory: Tracing elementary teachers' integration of computational thinking. Professional Development in Education. DOI: 10.1080/19415257.2023.2228813 (IF = 2.689)
  • Joswick, C., Lee, J., Jocius, R., Pole, K. (in press). Reading, coding, and crafting: A framework for computational thinking-focused themed workshops. Young Children.
  • Joswick, C., McMillan, B. & Conner, K. Elementary and secondary teachers’ questioning patterns during Number Talks. (2023). Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education in Texas, 13(1), 8-9.
  • Joswick, C., & Hulings, M. (2023) A systematic review of BSCS 5E instructional model evidence. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763-023-10357-y
  • Olawoyin, O., Kribs, C., & Joswick, C. (2023). Embracing pivotal teaching moments: Elementary teachers’ role in advancing high cognitive levels of mathematics discourse. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 35, 45-75. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13394-021-00374-x (IF = 1.48)
  • Olsen, A. A., & Joswick, C. (2023). Opportunities to improve student mathematics achievement and outcomes: Building student-teacher relationships for integration of inclusive and equity-minded teaching practices. [Editorial]. School Science and Mathematics, 123(4-5), 151-153. (IF = 1.1)
  • Anderson, R.K., Troudt, M., Joswick, C., & Skultety, L. (2022). Simulating success based on societal odds: A mathematical read of The Hunger Games. In P. Greathouse & H. Anthony (Eds.), Developing mathematical literacy through adolescent literature (pp. 191-210). Rowan & Littlefield Publishers.
  • Clements, D.H., Banse, H., Sarama, J., Tatsuoka, C.,Van Dine, D., Joswick, C., Hudyma, A., Van Dine, D., & Tatsuoka, K.K. (2022). Young children’s actions on length measure tasks: Strategies and cognitive attributes. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 24(3), 181-202. https://doi.org/10.1080/10986065.2020.1843231 (IF = 1.667, SJR = 1.098)
  • Clements, D.H., Sarama, J., & Joswick, C. (2022). Learning and teaching geometry in early childhood. A. Sharif-Rasslan & D. Hassidov (Eds.), Research and study in mathematics education in early childhood. Haifa, Israel: The Mofet Institute.
  • Joswick, C., & Taylor, C. (2022). Supporting social and emotional learning competencies with Number Talks. Mathematics teacher: Learning and teaching PK-12, Special Issue, 115(11), 781-791. 10.5951/MTLT.2021.0347
  • Joswick, C., Olsen, A. A., Taylor, C. N. (2022). Social and emotional learning in the mathematics classroom: Opportunity for integration, practice, and research. [Editorial]. School Science and Mathematics, 115(5) 233-234. https://www.doi.org/10.111/ssm.12543 (IF = 1.1)
  • Joswick, C., Connor, K., & McMillian, B. (2022). Technology-mediated Dot Talks. Ohio Journal of School Mathematics. 91(1), 2–9. Retrieved from https://library.osu.edu/ojs/index.php/OJSM/article/view/8871
  • Joswick, C., Anderson, R. K., Troudt, M., & Skultety, L. (2022). Acknowledgement and action: Teachers’ first act towards avenues for social justice work. In Lischka, A. E., Dyer, E. B., Jones, R. S., Lovett, J. N., Strayer, J., & Drown, S. (Eds.) North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics: 1421-1425. Middle Tennessee State University.
  • Lee, J., Joswick, C., Pole, K. (2022). Classroom play and activities to support computational thinking development in early childhood. Early Childhood Education Journal, 51, 457-468. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10643-022-01319-0
  • Olsen, A., Romig, J., Green, A., Joswick, C., Nandakumar, V. (2022). Myth busted?: A systematic review of the continual dissemination of “Learning Styles.” In D.H. Robinson, V.X. Yan, & J.A. Kim (Eds.), Learning Styles, Classroom Instruction, and Student Achievement (pp. 39-57). Springer International Publishing.
  • Skultety, L., Joswick, C., Troudt, M., & Anderson, R.K. (2022). Map projections. In B.M. Conway IV, L. Id-Deen, M.C. Raygoza, A. Ruiz, J.W. Staley, E. Thanheiser, & B.R. Lawer (Eds.), Middle school mathematics lessons to explore, understand, and respond to social justice (pp. 244-253). Corwin.
  • Troudt, M., Skultety, L., Anderson, R.K, & Joswick, C., (2022, September). Framing justice-oriented professional growth for teachers and teacher educators using nested cycles of acknowledgement, action, and accountability. AMTE Connections, 32(1). Retrieved from https://amte.net/sites/amte.net/files/Connections_Troudt_0.pdf
  • Banse, H., Clements, D.H., Sarama, J., Day-Hess, C., Simoni, M, & Joswick, C. (2021). Supporting executive function development and early mathematics through a geometry activity. Young Children, 76(3), 75-82 (IF = 0.091)
  • Clements, D.H., Sarama, J., Baroody, A.J., Katuka, T.S., Chernyavskiy, P., Joswick, C., Cong, M., & Joseph, E. (2021). Comparing the efficacy of early arithmetic instruction based on a learning trajectory and teaching-to-a-target. Journal of Educational Psychology, 113(7), 1323-1337. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000633 (IF = 2.29, SJR =2.486)
  • Joswick, C. (2021). Elevating opportunities for rural Texas mathematics teacher professional development: One contribution from the University of Texas at Arlington Project ECHO®. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education in Texas, 11(2), 4-5.
  • Joswick, C., Fletcher, N., & Meador, A. (2021). Transforming K-12 mathematics classroom teacher pedagogy through virtual number talks. In M. Niess & H. Gillow-Wiles (Eds.), Handbook of research on transforming teachers’ online pedagogical reasoning for engaging K-12 students in virtual learning (pp. 402-422). IGI Global.
  • Lee, J., Joswick, C., Pole, K., & Jocius, R. (2021). Algorithm design for young children. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 23(2), 198-202. https://doi.org/10.1177/14639491211033663 (IF = 0.82, SJR = 0.646)
  • Olsen, A., & Joswick, C. (2021). Cultivating classroom interactions online during COVID-19: A case for using Team-Based Learning. Journal of Practitioner Research, 6(2) 1-22.
  • Joswick, C., & Conner, K. Facilitating a Number Talk: Considering when, what, and how to further question student thinking. (in press). In D. Polly, E. Garin, & C. Martin (Eds.), Clinically Based Teacher Education in Action: Cases from Mathematics Teacher Educators. Information Age Publishing.</li></ul>

Christopher Kribs 

  • Publications information is pending. 

JooHi Lee 

JiYoon Yoon 

  • Yoon, J., & Olsen, A. (2023). Promoting Science Affinities through a Video Project in a Science, Technology, and Society (STS) Learning Approach, International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology, 11(4), 1073-1093, https://doi.org/10.46328/ijemst.3049.
  • Yoon, J., Hyun, K., Naz, F., & Saha, T. (2023). Summer Multicultural and Interdisciplinary Learning for Engineering (SMILE) in Transportation: Professional Development for future science teachers of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students, Journal of Engineering Education Transportation, 37(1), 31-40, ISSN2349-2473, eISSN2394-1707, DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2023/v37i1/23129.
  • Yoon, J., Ko, Y., & Lee, H. (2022). Virtual and Open Integration of Culture for Education (VOICE) with Science Teacher Candidates from Korea during COVID-19, Asia-Pacific Science Education, Online ISSN 2364-1177.
  • Kim, K. J., Yoon, J., & Han, M. K. (2021). Young Chefs in the Classroom!: Promoting Science Process Skills and Healthy Eating Habits through Inquiry-Based Cooking Project, International Journal of Early Years Education, https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/7W4JXQBRCDI4YVJDQZ3C/full?target=10.1080%2F09669760.2021.1892597&.
    Koo, K., Baker, I., Yoon, J. (2021). The First-Year Acculturation: A Longitudinal Study on Acculturative Stress and Adjustment among the First-Year International College Students, Journal of International Students, 11(2), https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v11i2.1726 

Leaf Zhang

  • Zhang, Y. L. (accepted, February 26, 2023). Adual perspective on academic advising: Challenges faced by community college transfers in Engineering and faculty advisors. The NCADA Journal. 
  • Adamuti-Trache, M., & Zhang, Y. L. (online first, February 1, 2023). Uncertainty and change in American youth occupational expectations. Journal of Career Development. https://doi.org/10.1080/13639080.2023.2174956  
  • Zhang, Y. L. (2022). Early academic momentum: Factors contributing to community college transfer students STEM degree attainment. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice, 23(4), 873–902.  
  • Zhang, Y. L. (2022). STEM persisters, switchers, and leavers: Factors associated with 6-Year degree attainment for STEM aspiring community college transfer students. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 46(11),796-811.  
  • Dinh, T., & Zhang, Y. L. (2021). Engagement in high-impact practices and its influence on community college transfers’ STEM degree attainment. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 45(11), 834-849.



Event Archive


Social Network Analysis Workshop

Social Network Analysis – SNA, involves analyzing social networks in terms of sets of nodes (e.g., individuals or organizations) and sets of ties (relationships and associations) between nodes. This session covered some of the basics of SNA that provided both a theoretical and practical background from which to investigate the relationship between social networks and human behavior. Among the main topics to be covered are social network research design based on research goals, network data collection, network measures, and network data visualization and analysis. Doing network analysis implies using network analysis software. In this session, we will use UCINET (Borgatti et al., 2002); however, other software alternatives will also be presented (e.g., NetDraw, R).


MAXQDA Trainings

The University of Texas at Arlington’s STEM Education Center hosted two trainings on MAXQDA, a software tool for data analysis. The sessions featured Joel Drevlow, a qualitative and mixed methods research consultant and trainer and MAXQDA Cooperation Partner. MAXQDA can help you keep your analysis organized via the Questions, Themes, and Theories Workspace. MAXQDA’s Visual Tools can help you create exploratory and explanatory visualizations.

National Science Foundation: Nuts and Bolts

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is one the nation’s primary funders from STEM education and education research. This session will be particularly helpful for individuals who are less familiar with NSF, have never been a part of a NSF proposal, and/or may be thinking about submitting a NSF proposal in the upcoming year.


MAXQDA Trainings 

The University of Texas at Arlington’s STEM Education Center hosted two trainings on MAXQDA, a software tool for data analysis. The sessions featured Joel Drevlow, a qualitative and mixed methods research consultant and trainer and MAXQDA Cooperation Partner. 

View the archived event invite


NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program 

Hosted by UTA's STEM-E(RC)2, this session provided an overview of the CAREER Program, tips and strategies to help faculty develop a competitive proposal, and a showcase of recent CAREER awardees at UTA. 


Food-Energy-Water Nexus Workshop

The STEM Education Research Collaboratorium and Resource Center (STEM-E(RC)2) and the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences invited faculty, post-doctoral researchers and graduate students to the Food-Energy-Water Nexus Workshop.

The workshop was facilitated by Jessica Mostacedo, Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Texas at Arlington Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Cory Forbes, Ph.D., Fenton Wayne Robnett Professor of Science Education and Chair of the UTA Department of Curriculum and Instruction, and Emad Habib, Ph.D., Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

View the archived event invite


Scholar Presentation Featuring Dr. Zahara Rahimi

The STEM Education Center hosted a unique presentation on Mathematics Education in Iran. The presentation featured Dr. Zahara Rahimi, Assistant Professor of Curriculum Studies within the Department Education at Allameh Tabataba'i University. Rahimi’s presentation provided an introduction of mathematics within Iran’s national educational system. She provided her observations of curriculum planning as a member of the committee and highlights Iran’s mathematics curriculum to United States educators.

View the archived event invite

Grant Writing 101  

UTA's STEM Education Center presented a seminar on grant writing. The seminar including information and tips for submitting grant applications and included a discussion with Debbie Kalnasy and Bryan Williams of the U.S. Department of Education.  



Budget Development Webinar 

In collaboration with STEM-E(RC)2, the Office of Grant and Contract Services PreAward committee hosted a general discussion of the development of a budget for sponsored projects and policies related to the process. 

View the archived email invite


Speaker Series 

STEM-E(RC)2 October 2022 Speaker Series featuring Dr. Mihwa Park and Dr. María González-Howard

The presentations featured Dr. Mihwa Park, Assistant Professor of STEM education at Texas Tech University and Dr. María González-Howard, Assistant Professor of STEM education at the University of Texas at Austin. These events are hosted by the University of Texas at Arlington College of Education.

View the archived email invite.


NSF Broader Impacts Workshop 

The UTA Office of Grants and Contracts Services and the College of Education's STEM Education Research Collaboratorium and Resource Center co-sponsored an event to help researchers learn more about a popular NSF grant. Topics included NSF grant writing, tips and strategies regarding the BI criterion, and more. 

View the archived email invite


RSVP for the opening event for our new STEM Education Research Collaboratorium and Resource Center, housed within the University of Texas at Arlington College of Education.

Invited guests will hear from the center’s inaugural director, Dr. Cory T. Forbes, about resources available through the center and how to become an early collaborator. We will also host an invited panel, featuring a National Science Foundation (NSF) program officer and local, post-secondary STEM education leaders.

Light refreshments will be provided.

Event Details

  • What: STEM-E(RC)2 Grand Opening.
  • When: 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 12, 2022.
  • Where: 009 and 010 Trimble Hall, located at 700 S. West St. Arlington, TX, 76010 on the UTA campus. To access the center, take the elevators located in the Trimble-Hammond Hall Complex down to Floor B.


View the Archived Email Invite: https://conta.cc/36cqv0Z 


Cory Forbes HeadshotThe center's inaugural director is Cory T. Forbes, Ph.D., Fenton Wayne Robnett Professor of Science Education and Chair of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education at UTA. Additionally, he holds a secondary appointment in the UTA Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences.

Dr. Forbes’ tenure in higher education has included roles as an Associate Professor of Science Education in the School of Natural Resources, Assistant Professor of Science Education in the University of Iowa College of Education, the Director of the National Collaborative for Research on Food, Energy, and Water Education (NC-FEW), and as the Coordinator of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources‘ (IANR) Science Literacy Initiative at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), where he also held an appointment in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education (TLTE) for the College of Education and Human Sciences (CEHS). He was also a high school science teacher.

His teaching and research efforts focus on STEM education in K-12 and undergraduate STEM contexts. He directs multiple externally-funded projects involving STEM curriculum development, assessment design and testing, professional development for K-12 STEM teachers, and classroom-based research on STEM teaching and learning that are based in regional, national, and international partnerships with education researchers, STEM faculty, K-12 teachers, and stakeholders, that have real world implications for the way education professionals conduct, think of, and utilize the full potential of STEM education research. Forbes is a NARST Early Career Research Awardee and Fulbright Faculty Scholar.


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Professional Development & Workshops

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