Zuriel Lopez

Junior, Information Systems and Accounting



Congrats on being a MavPitch grand prize winner! Tell us about your winning idea.

WeWant is an app that will help connect ice cream trucks and ice cream lovers. The main issue with ice cream trucks is that customers have no idea when the ice cream truck is passing by their neighborhoods. With WeWant, customers will be able to locate nearby ice cream trucks and contact them directly through the app, where they can also order their favorite sweet treats. On the flip side, the ice cream truck will also benefit from WeWant by being able to see neighborhoods where there’s a high volume of users, which will equate to more revenue.

What inspired the idea?

I have owned and operated my own ice cream truck for two years now. I’ve been lucky enough to be profitable early on, but the No. 1 issue I face every day is that customers have no clue when I’m in their neighborhoods. By the time they hear the music, I’m already down the street. Some choose to chase after me, but I miss out on a lot of revenue from those who won’t or can’t do that. Being such a mobile business, I couldn’t use apps like Uber Eats or Door Dash since I’m moving at all times. The lack of an app that can help mobile business like ice cream trucks is what inspired WeWant.

What does winning MavPitch mean for WeWant?

Winning MavPitch means that the app can actually start its development and evolve from just an idea. There are definitely obstacles ahead, but MavPitch has given me a huge boost.

What’s up next for you?

Definitely finishing up the app and bringing it to market. My favorite part is I can personally test the app in my own truck as WeWant is being developed. The end goal is to make the app not only accessible to ice cream trucks, but also other mobile businesses, too, like food trucks and trailers. Graduating college is also the next big thing I’m working on finishing, and we’ll see where life takes me after that.

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