Women’s History Month Showcase - Catherene Campos

Today we are highlighting Catherene Campos, an International Business major with a foreign language focus in Chinese during Women’s History Month.

Friday, Mar 29, 2024 • Jeremiah Valentine : jeremiah.valentine@uta.edu

The University of Texas at Arlington’s College of Business proudly celebrates Women's History Month by highlighting students and their unique experiences on campus. Today, we highlight Catherene Campos, an International Business major with a foreign language focus in Chinese.

Catherene Campos Headshot
Catherene Campos Headshot

If you could interview one successful businesswoman, who would it be, and why? What questions would you ask them? 
If I could interview a successful woman it would be Michelle Obama. She has made an impact by voicing issues such as education, health, and social justice. Some qualities I admire from her are how she is strong determined, confident, inspirational, and relatable. I loved how she took action and pushed for change, remained determined, and above all has always been kind. I think what I admire most about Michelle Obama is that she made her role as First Lady her own and was fearless and graceful, but full of purpose.

I would ask her:
- Was there a time when thought of giving up? If so what was it?
- What inspires you to keep using your influence to make an impact?

Who is the most inspiring woman you know, and why?
My mom is my inspiration, she is the reason I am who I am today. My mom had to stop going to school once she got to 6th grade because my grandpa didn’t think girls needed to be educated. She took care of her siblings, worked the fields, and took care of farm animals along with her sisters. My mom has always taught me to be strong, independent, and hard-working. I remember one time she told me that as a woman I had to work harder and no matter what, never stop working and earning my own income. She and my dad have sacrificed so much for my brothers and me to have a better opportunity in life. My mom moved to the United States with my dad, and all her family is in Mexico, even though it must have been hard to leave behind everything and start a new life here she did it because she wanted to give her children the opportunities her and my dad didn’t have.

Catherene with family
Catherene with family

What moment in Women’s History has influenced you the most?
I think the moment that influenced me the most in women’s history was when Hillary Clinton ran for the presidency. When I was in 4th grade I realized that no woman had ever been elected as president. So I would always say that I would run for president when I was old enough and I would be the first woman to be president of the U.S. (funny right) Now that I am older I don’t think I want to be involved in politics but seeing a woman run for presidential office as a young girl was very inspiring.

Imagine 5 years later, as a successful business professional in your field, you have been asked to advise the next generation of UTA women; what would you say? 
Know your worth, and be confident in your work, as long as you give your best work. Stay determined and use your voice to make a positive impact on those around you; doesn’t have to be anything big, it’s the little things that matter. Lastly, it’s our job to speak up, not to make sure everyone agrees with us. If have an idea I speak up about it, the worst thing that can happen is your idea gets rejected but as long as one out of your ten ideas makes it through it was worth it.

What is the theme song to Women's History Month? 
Soul of a Woman (Kelly Price)