Confidential Information

Non-Public Information

Some of the information maintained by The University of Texas at Arlington may contain information that is not public, such as the following:

  • student information/records;
  • medical information/records;
  • drivers license and motor vehicle information;
  • attorney-client communications;
  • attorney work product;
  • documents made confidential by statute;
  • documents claimed to be proprietary by a third party (trade secret information).

If you want to review or get copies of the non-public information listed above, it will be necessary for UT Arlington to request an Attorney General's opinion about this information. This non-public information will not be available for review until after the Attorney General makes a decision about whether the information is public or not public. The Attorney General's office has 45 business days from the day after the Attorney General received the request to make a decision on whether the information is public or not public.

If part of the information you requested is considered public information, then you will be able to review or get copies of the public information, even if a request for an Attorney General's open records opinion is necessary regarding the non-public information. If public information and non-public information are both included in a single document, the document will be provided to you. However, the information believed to be non-public or exempt will be redacted (marked out) while the request for an Attorney General's opinion is pending.

If you are not seeking access to non-public or exempt information, you may simply state in your request that you do not want any information that is not considered public information by the Office of the Attorney General. If you indicate that you are only seeking information that the Office of the Attorney General considers public information, then it will not be necessary for UT Arlington to make a request for an opinion.