Visible CAPPA: Melancholy Astronaut

Monday, Mar 21, 2016

Visitors exploring the CAPPA Building may come across a fascinating work in chalk covering an entire wall on the second floor. The drawing was done as a test for a piece created for the Lark restaurant in Dallas. As part of their "Lark on the Park" program, the restaurant chooses from proposals submitted for display on one of their seven large chalkboards. The artwork is replaced every quarter. CAPPA's Associate Professor of Architecture Steven Quevedo created the image, titled "Melancholy Astronaut - Dallas 2100 AD", with the assistance of students Hunter Freeman and Tuong Le.

Artists are given two days to complete their drawing. Professor Quevedo says the drawing in the CAPPA Building was done to see if it could be completed within a shorter timeframe and was completed in about four hours. The final version at the Lark was completed in seven hours on account of the greater detail.