Design Intelligence Interviews Dean Parr

Tuesday, Dec 17, 2019

Adrian Parr, Dean of UTA’s College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs, was interviewed by Design Intelligence about climate change, problems of representation, cooperative design, and the impact it might have on sustainability. Dean Parr is an environmental, and political activist, who has been working endlessly to create awareness on issues that surround environmental sustainability.   

This interview was an avenue to share some of her research and works throughout the years. Dean Parr discussed her focus on water as the most important sustainability resource, “Water is the perfect thing to focus on if you’re interested in systems-thinking because it’s an environmental and social issue. It concerns problems of equity and health. It’s cultural. It’s also economic, such as the growing privatization of water resources and services. By focusing on water issues, you are able to engage with a systems approach to problem-solving.”