Research in Materials Science and Engineering

The department has the highest Ph.D. student to faculty ratio and one of the highest research expenditures to faculty ratios at UTA.

The department has the highest Ph.D. student to faculty ratio and one of the highest research expenditures to faculty ratios at UTA. The department has high levels of research funding from NSF, DOE, ONR, NASA, DOD and other federal, industrial and state sources in the areas of micro/nano electronic devices, self-assembled nanomaterials, multifunctional, nanocomposite thin films, bio/nanomagnets, optoelectronics, solar cells and materials for clean energy, advanced lubricants, and coatings. Below are descriptions of some of our research labs.

Biologically-Inspired Materials and Engineering Systems Laboratory

Research focuses on integrating man-made and natural micro/nanoscale materials, processes, and systems for engineering innovation. We work on research projects at the intersection of physical sciences and engineering and life sciences and biomedicine at the micro/nanoscale.

Center for Advanced Construction Materials

The Center for Advanced Construction Materials, CACM, of the University of Texas at Arlington is a state-of-the-art interdisciplinary, materials science, civil engineering and mechanics Center, for developing and testing innovative and engineered, smart materials for the infrastructure. The multidisciplinary researchers of CACM advance the knowledge to design, characterize and implement the use of smart and innovative materials, addressing the societal needs of infrastructure materials of the new concepts of construction based on the benefits of the properties at the nanoscale to build structures at the macroscale.

Center for Advanced Construction Materials

Characterization Center for Materials and Biology

The Characterization Center for Materials and Biology provides state-of-the-art instrumentation for use by faculty, students and other researchers to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and strengthen research activity.

Characterization Center for Materials and Biology

Electronic Materials Laboratory

Research includes reliability assessment of Cu/low-k interconnects for future technology nodes, controlled grain growth of Cu interconnects, and design and development of quantum-dot embedded nanocomposite particles for bioimaging.

Functional Thin Films and Microelectronics Laboratory

Research objective centers on the development of advanced semiconductor materials and microelectronic devices for energy-efficient memory and computing applications. Research work in the lab expands from functional thin film growth to nanodevice fabrication, as well as utilizing advanced characterization methods such as (in-situ) electron microscopy and X-ray techniques to explore the structure-property relationship and understand the devices working mechanisms.

Mesoscale Materials Modeling Laboratory

Research focuses on modeling materials microstructures and evolutions and understanding their relations to materials properties based on mesoscale computational methods (such as phase-field modeling). Current materials of interest include nanostructures, functional oxide thin films and energy-related materials.

Metal Nanostructures Laboratory

Research involves the fabrication, characterization and applications of novel metal nanostructures, including hollow Au nanoparticles, bimetallic core-shell nanoparticles, silver nanodendrites, Au nanovoid arrays and magnetic nanorods and nanotubes.

Nanoelectronic Materials and Devices Laboratory

Research includes fundamental studies on electron transport across nanoscale materials, emphasizing practical applications such as extremely energy-efficient computing. Research topics include single-electron transport at room temperature, sub-1K cold-electron quantum well switching at room temperature, and electron transport across hetero-dimensional nanostructures (e.g., 0D, 2D, and 3D materials). 

Shimadzu Institute Nanotechnology Research Center

The Shimadzu Institute Nanotechnology Research Center is the pre-eminent, university-based nanotechnology research, development and teaching facility in North Texas. It features a class-1000 clean room and instrumentation.

Surface and Nano Engineering Laboratory

Research includes basic and applied processing-structure-property relationships with emphasis on advanced materials, nanotechnology and small-scale materials. Current research includes materials genome for high-temperature oxidationresistant coatings, multifunctional nanocomposite films, epitaxial oxide and composition gradient nanostructures, nanotribology, ultra-low-friction solid films, surface science and engineering, and electrolytic plasma processing.


Dr. Efstathios "Stathis" Meletis
Department Chair

Graduate Applicants